Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dad Reaches Octegenarian Status

So Dad's now reached a new level of achievement: he's now an octegenarian.

We planned a big party for him (for, as you all know, I simply LOVE a good party).

Dad all ready to greet his plethora of guests.

The result was a guest for every year of his life ... and then some. The house was filled to the brim, which required the guests to seek the back porch and back yard so as to socialize and nosh on the birthday goodies.

Dad's Birthday Cake (part of the "then and now" party theme).

A good time was had by all, as cake, KFC, and Kokanee satiated our well-wishing guests.

Dad repeatedly tries to blow out the relighting gag candles!

Dad even relived his glory days in Osoyoos as the ever popular "Spike and His Bike"!

Spike and his bike ride again....

Many thanks to all of the family and friends who shared this special day with us!

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