Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Third Edition of The PruHig Times

Behold one and all - our third edition of The PruHig Times!
Happy holiday greetings to you all!

"This holiday season, may you find love where once there was indifference, luxury in simplicity, blessings that endure in times of change, joyous light in the darkest of places, long walks with those dear, and tasty, bone-shaped treats in your doggie treat jar."

- Teddie Bear

  • Download our third edition (vol. 3, no. 1) of The Pruhig Times here (.pdf file)
  • Tuesday, October 14, 2008

    The Tedster turns 13!!!!

    My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am.
    - Author Unknown

    Today Teddie turned 13 years old; I can't believe it's been 13 years since she climbed into my lap at the age of seven weeks when I went to visit her mom and siblings. As it turned out, she was the runt of the litter and the only puppy who had NOT yet been claimed by someone. I suspect she knew it, too; for I didn't pick her - she picked me.

    Today we celebrated her wonderful autumn birthday with some ice cream and a lovely afternoon at the park.

    "Ice cream? For ME? REALLY?!?!?"

    "MMMMmmmm ... YUMMY!!!!"

    "I'm ready for my close-up, now."

    Happy Birthday, Teddie Bear - WE LOVE YOU!!!!

    The Celebration of Summer's Sojourn

    Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of
    strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something
    infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature— the assurance
    that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.

    - Rachel Carson

    I have discovered that gardening is wonderful therapy for all of life's disappointments, challenges, and sorrows. As Autumn takes center stage, it's time to give Summer a proper send-off with a garden update.

    Our garden is like another (albeit, uncovered) room in our house. We decorate, lounge, entertain, and eat it in.

    I took a mosaics class and made stepping stones this summer.

    Chris and I really enjoy our fire pit; feels like outdoor camping, with all the amenities of home (literally)!

    We had lots of flowers in bloom this year.

    Our fruits and veggies garden prospered amazingly well, given our wet, cold Spring and thus the late start we had in planting.

    Our cleared garden space.

    The fruits of our labor.

    Our corn was planted late, but the husks are still developing so we will wait and see.

    Wondering if the corn will make it before the frosts come....

    Our pumpkins and squash unfortunately were taken by what we suspect was a fungus and did not make it. However, we DID succeed in our crops of tomatoes, snap peas, tri-color beans, radishes, carrots, spinach, arugula, broccoli, rhubarb, and zucchini.

    Our little pea patch bounty.

    Our fruits of strawberries, Italian plums/prunes, and pears also flourished.

    We had SOOOO many pears for such a tiny tree, I was forced to make pear jam ... and plum pear jam ... and blueberry pear jam ... and peach pear jam ... and blackberry pear jam ... and pear bread ... and honey walnut pear pie (a.k.a. "angry squirrel pie").... You get the picture. Plum butter and spicy blueberry peach jam was also made. We picked blackberries with the Rodgers' clan on the Olympic Peninsula and made blackberry jam, too. And I was given apples and crabapples from neighbors and made apple butter and crabapple jelly.

    One of our many resident squirrels, now without plums and pears, forced to dine upon a walnut from the next-door-neighbors' walnut tree. Thus the name "angry squirrel pie" was born.

    From Left to Right: Plum Pear Jam, Blueberry Pear Jam, Pear Jam, Peach Pear Jam, another Pear Jam, and, in the front, Spicy Blueberry Peach Jam.

    Crabapple Jelly

    Soooo ... now you all know what you're getting as holiday gifts this year! (We're now working on planting our Winter garden, so stay tuned!)

    Uncle Andy Lands the BIG ONE!

    This past August, Uncle Andy landed the largest fish caught on Roche Lake this year:

    A WHOPPING FIVE POUNDS! Congratulations, Uncle Andy ... we always KNEW you had it in you!

    Uncle Andy proudly displays his GINORMOUS catch.

    Wednesday, August 27, 2008

    Dad Reaches Octegenarian Status

    So Dad's now reached a new level of achievement: he's now an octegenarian.

    We planned a big party for him (for, as you all know, I simply LOVE a good party).

    Dad all ready to greet his plethora of guests.

    The result was a guest for every year of his life ... and then some. The house was filled to the brim, which required the guests to seek the back porch and back yard so as to socialize and nosh on the birthday goodies.

    Dad's Birthday Cake (part of the "then and now" party theme).

    A good time was had by all, as cake, KFC, and Kokanee satiated our well-wishing guests.

    Dad repeatedly tries to blow out the relighting gag candles!

    Dad even relived his glory days in Osoyoos as the ever popular "Spike and His Bike"!

    Spike and his bike ride again....

    Many thanks to all of the family and friends who shared this special day with us!

    Sunday, March 9, 2008

    Spring is in the Air....

    Today we "spring forward" and welcome longer days and the coming of summer. In this spirit, we thought we would share our spring garden with you.

    The sun yellow narcissus daffodils symbolize the coming of warmer, brighter days.

    With the flowerbeds cleaned of their winter blankets of leaves and detrius, green tendrils are stretching up through the earth and into the sky.

    Hellebore flowers were the first to break the winter's fast in our little garden.

    Soon we will prepare a vegetable garden, which we hope will provide us with healthy treats throughout the summer.

    Sunset view from our home.

    We wish everyone a wonderful Spring filled with new growth and delightful surprises - just like our garden!

    "In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." ~ Aristotle

    Monday, March 3, 2008

    Teddie's Recovery

    How did Teddie spend her leap year day, you ask?

    She underwent major sugery.

    That's right, major surgery. About a week ago we found an exterior, soft-tissue growth right around her sternum. We immediately booked a biopsy (malignant) and operation. She underwent the surgery Friday and we brought her home on Saturday.

    Teddie is resting comfortably, under strict orders of bed rest.

    Teddie tests out her new doggie bed, courtesy of Costco.

    Although she doesn't understand why she can't spend all of her time outside, as she usually does, the extra pig's ear treats are helping her cope.

    "Tell me again ... WHY do I have to wear this stupid t-shirt?"

    Teddie's stitches come out in about two weeks. Until then, she's under medical house arrest, much to her chagrin. Your wonderful thoughts and well-wishes are appreciated.
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