Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring is in the Air....

Today we "spring forward" and welcome longer days and the coming of summer. In this spirit, we thought we would share our spring garden with you.

The sun yellow narcissus daffodils symbolize the coming of warmer, brighter days.

With the flowerbeds cleaned of their winter blankets of leaves and detrius, green tendrils are stretching up through the earth and into the sky.

Hellebore flowers were the first to break the winter's fast in our little garden.

Soon we will prepare a vegetable garden, which we hope will provide us with healthy treats throughout the summer.

Sunset view from our home.

We wish everyone a wonderful Spring filled with new growth and delightful surprises - just like our garden!

"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." ~ Aristotle

Monday, March 3, 2008

Teddie's Recovery

How did Teddie spend her leap year day, you ask?

She underwent major sugery.

That's right, major surgery. About a week ago we found an exterior, soft-tissue growth right around her sternum. We immediately booked a biopsy (malignant) and operation. She underwent the surgery Friday and we brought her home on Saturday.

Teddie is resting comfortably, under strict orders of bed rest.

Teddie tests out her new doggie bed, courtesy of Costco.

Although she doesn't understand why she can't spend all of her time outside, as she usually does, the extra pig's ear treats are helping her cope.

"Tell me again ... WHY do I have to wear this stupid t-shirt?"

Teddie's stitches come out in about two weeks. Until then, she's under medical house arrest, much to her chagrin. Your wonderful thoughts and well-wishes are appreciated.
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