Friday, December 21, 2007

Our Second Edition of The Pruhig Times

Our first edition of The Pruhig Times was circulated last December of 2006. Now, we are pleased to introduce the second edition!

We intend to make it at least an annual publication, so look for it at the end of every year!

  • Tuesday, December 11, 2007


    Folks in the U.S. have a strange custom here. Maybe it's the result of the mass-consumerism that has swept this nation. Whatever the reason, I wish to formally identify a new holiday: Hallowthankmas.

    What is Hallowthankmas, you ask? It's the ongoing 3-month holiday from October to December, in which Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all roll into one.


    It's like the snowball effect for holidays: no sooner are the jack-o'-lanterns on the porch, then the paper turkeys and pilgrims are in the window and the Christmas trees are up. It's December 11, and people still have pumpkins on their stoops, Thanksgiving turkey leftovers in their freezers, and homes with Christmas trees in the windows and lights on the house.

    Chris and I tried to pick up some battery-operated lights for our jack-o'-lanterns a couple of days before Hallow'een. Having no luck in finding them among the aisles on our own, we enlisted the assistance of the store clerks, who directed us to the "Hallowe'en section" - a mere two small shelves at the end of an aisle! And not a battery-operated illuminator to be seen! Luckily, we found such a product in the entire section of Christmas products, room for which the Hallowe'en section had been so severely reduced, no doubt.


    So, here's to the holidays filled with frights, family, and too much food.

    Happy Hallowthankmas. (And enjoy the pics!)

    Pumpkin-Patchin' it!

    Our plethora of jack-o'-lanterns

    Gettin' our Christmas Tree. His 'n' Hers Toques hand-knitted by Kelle Belle.

    We decided to go with a West Coast theme with our tree this year. Most of the ornaments are beach treasures we've found along the way....
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