Friday, December 21, 2007

Our Second Edition of The Pruhig Times

Our first edition of The Pruhig Times was circulated last December of 2006. Now, we are pleased to introduce the second edition!

We intend to make it at least an annual publication, so look for it at the end of every year!

  • Tuesday, December 11, 2007


    Folks in the U.S. have a strange custom here. Maybe it's the result of the mass-consumerism that has swept this nation. Whatever the reason, I wish to formally identify a new holiday: Hallowthankmas.

    What is Hallowthankmas, you ask? It's the ongoing 3-month holiday from October to December, in which Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all roll into one.


    It's like the snowball effect for holidays: no sooner are the jack-o'-lanterns on the porch, then the paper turkeys and pilgrims are in the window and the Christmas trees are up. It's December 11, and people still have pumpkins on their stoops, Thanksgiving turkey leftovers in their freezers, and homes with Christmas trees in the windows and lights on the house.

    Chris and I tried to pick up some battery-operated lights for our jack-o'-lanterns a couple of days before Hallow'een. Having no luck in finding them among the aisles on our own, we enlisted the assistance of the store clerks, who directed us to the "Hallowe'en section" - a mere two small shelves at the end of an aisle! And not a battery-operated illuminator to be seen! Luckily, we found such a product in the entire section of Christmas products, room for which the Hallowe'en section had been so severely reduced, no doubt.


    So, here's to the holidays filled with frights, family, and too much food.

    Happy Hallowthankmas. (And enjoy the pics!)

    Pumpkin-Patchin' it!

    Our plethora of jack-o'-lanterns

    Gettin' our Christmas Tree. His 'n' Hers Toques hand-knitted by Kelle Belle.

    We decided to go with a West Coast theme with our tree this year. Most of the ornaments are beach treasures we've found along the way....

    Tuesday, September 25, 2007

    Football Begins

    Leaves turn, pumpkin spice lattes abound and the rainy season begins. We all know what that means in the Northwest...fantasy football is upon us.

    Kill Herm 2 is in its inaugural season and I will provide a weekly analysis into the league happenings ...or, as you can tell by my delayed first entry, whenever I feel like it.

    In the Fraternity Division (also known as the the East), the one literate squad--Attraversiamo's--have hexed the rest of the division with their reading ways. Apparently, school can help you in fantasy football...if only I had known. Either that, or having TO 2.1, Randy Moss 3.1 and Steven Jackson is very good. Regardless, the Mini Keg Cruisers and G-Funk are having difficulties contending with that juggernaut and the lonely 'THE Drew' are having an even tougher time. At this point, the MVP of the past 2 weeks has to be Randy 'I play when I feel like it' Moss.

    Over in the Mars / Venus Division, the women are kicking the boy's butts. The Ghost Team and the Effeminate Toetappers have tapped their way through the sissy teams of the Vegans and the Vandals. The lone victory for the men was against one another. Not helping the male ego out guys.

    Now onto the toughest division in sports with the Nature Division, which includes a Turkish strait, a ghost semi-acquaduct vermin, a yippie chauhaua and a Kerby. The Dardanelles have put up the most points in the league, yet only lead the division by .5 games. Remarkably considering the all bark, no bite Vick's Dogpound have 100 pts less in 2 games but only trail by 1/2 game.

    This week the games go out-of-division and the real fun begins. Safe bets for the week:

    Kerby's Team takes it to the Mini Keg Cruisers showing the strength of the Nature Division;
    The toetappers continue their stall domination of people who refer to themselves in 3rd person nickname;
    The Ghost Beavers eat the Cannibals;
    G-funk funks it up against the mighty Dogpound;
    Attraversiamo and Ghost Team read together and write poetry;
    The Dardanelles beat the ever-living Xerxes out of the Nittany Vandals.

    There you go. Check back next week for another update in this all exciting fantasy world of fantasy football.

    Monday, September 10, 2007

    What The Word "Homeowner" REALLY MEANS

    O.K. - for those of you who have yet to receive the news, it's official: Chris and I are now homeowners.

    "Chez Pruhig"

    Now, before you all pop the proverbial cork in our names, it's worth noting that, although without a doubt our dream starter home and in this Seattle market a great investment (not to mention a good time to buy), homeowning has, without a doubt, its challenges.

    Take the million and one trips to the hardware store, for instance. I must confess that, although I consider myself to be extremely handy (whereas Chris is more handsy than handy), I had no idea the products, tools, gizmos and gadgets just waiting to be purchased by unsuspecting newbie homeowners like ourselves.

    From green garden sprinklers to metal saws, from furniture felt lining to dishwasher fresheners ... there's absolutely no end to the bounty at the local hardware store.

    With power drill in hand, we go where no bohemian urban yuppie has ever gone before [*CRINGE*].

    (Well, at least it FEELS that way right now.)

    Wish us luck, will ya?

    Thursday, August 30, 2007


    As you can see, Jacqueline and I have created a blog. Sorry, Gordo, no nude photos I am told.

    The creation of the blog began with last season's e-letter. Jacqueline wanted to continue to give all interested peoples (note: not just interesting people) a chance to see what we were up to. I just want to look cool, hip and show the world that I have reached the 21st century. As a result, Jacqueline's entries will, I'm sure, remain thoughtful, personal and artistic. I, however, am strictly aiming for trite, meaningless, sports-related blog entries that only interest a handful of, perhaps just myself.

    Sunday, August 19, 2007

    Teddie Bounces Back

    For the past week, Teddie has been very ill - so ill that we had to take her to the Animal Hospital. She wasn't eating, was so weak she could hardly move, and had lost a significant amount of weight. Her bloodwork identified an infection - we believe a type of doggy pneumonia.

    Poor Teddie under the weather.

    After an intensive week of antibiotics, her health has rebounded. Teddie is once again enjoying life...and her new calorie-laden diet!

    Teddie in good health.

    It's good to have you back to your old self, Teddie!

    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    Our Urban Pea Patch

    This year we decided to clear the land in our backyard and attempt a urban pea patch, if you will.

    Our urban pea patch.

    We grew snap peas, radishes, lettuce, and baby carrots. Much to our surprise, they were a great success!

    Yummy radishes AND baby carrots! Whoohoo!

    We even have green tomatoes, which we intend to harvest before they redden, so we'll see what recipes we can make with them....

    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

    Summertime = Preserve Preparation

    Summer is here in the Pacific Northwest, so it's preserve prep time!

    Jacqueline has been busy making Rhubarb Jam, Washington Four-Berry Jam (strawberry, raspberry, salmonberry, and gooseberry), Logan Berry Jam, and Blackberry Jam. These delicious and delectable delights are home made and given out as gifts to family and friends the whole year through.

    The key ingredients for this year's Washington Four Berry Jam.

    Rumor has it that Alki Backyard Crab Apple Jelly may also be in the works....Stay tuned!

    Our First Edition of The Pruhig Times

    Our first edition of The Pruhig Times was circulated last December of 2006.

    We intend to make it at least an annual publication, so look for it at the end of every year!

    This website is a service of Team Pruhig to its friends, family, and desired acquaintances. Team Pruhig is not responsible for the operation or content of this website. All opinions and comments on this website represent the views of the contributors and do not necessarily have the endorsement of Team Pruhig nor its officers or agents. Any links to other websites are provided as a convenience to members of the public and Team Pruhig.

    Email to contact our website administrator with any comments, questions, or concerns.